Year: 2014 | Month: December | Volume 1 | Issue 2

Diet-Nutrition and Cancer Prevention (Review)

Ruchit Khanna Anand Kumar Ruchika Khanna


When nutrients are isolated from whole foods, they do not always act the same. Several nutrients found in fruit and vegetables show an inverse association with oral cancer. Nutrition has enhanced more bring into focus on the levels of biochemical sequences through which ingredients are digested, and other living organic structure are converted from one form to another via metabolism and metabolic pathways. Nutrition also centers on in what way diseases, conditions, and dilemmas can be averted or diminished with a healthy diet. Cancer is preceded by pre-cancerous lesions. Numerous investigations have attempted to determine whether consuming particular food increases or decreases a person’s chance of acquiring cancer. Sadly, various thoughts have conflicted issues, so it is troublesome to understand what impact foods or dietary supplements have on cancer risk. In summation, nutrition includes recognizing how particular disorders,conditions or dilemmas may be generated by dietary factors, such as inadequate food (malnutrition), food allergies, metabolic diseases, etc

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